Web Design
We revamped Drywall My Garage's website, owned by Jake, a former pilot and father of four, from a simple DIY site to a professional digital portfolio highlighting his exceptional contractor work. By providing captivating photographs of his previous projects, we were able to elevate Jake's online presence and showcase his unique abilities, enabling potential customers to envision the possibilities he can bring to their homes or businesses. With a strong reputation already established in the Indianapolis suburbs, Jake's new website further adds to his credibility as a reliable contractor. This website ensures that Jake's services can reach even more customers in need of high-quality home or business improvements.

Here’s what Jake had to say about working with us...
Working with Dssentials was a game changer for my business. As a father of four and a pilot-turned-entrepreneur, I was in need of a professional, polished web presence for Drywall My Garage. The team at Dssentials took my basic site and transformed it into a digital portfolio that truly showcases my contractor work. I am so grateful for Andrew and Emily’s expertise and dedication to elevating my brand. My new website allows potential customers to easily see the improvements I can bring to their homes or businesses. Thank you, Dssentials, for helping me take my business to the next level!
Home Page • We wanted the home page to do two things - convey the impactful branding through color/font usage, and give users the opportunity to dive deeper into specific areas via summary sections.
About • Jake has a super interesting professional background, so we tailored his about page story to that with catch headlines and a heartfelt bio.
Industries • Although his business, DMG, stands for Drywall my Garage, they are capable of so much more. We created the Industries page to spotlight work they complete across Residential, Commercial and Industrial sectors.
Our Work • It was important to have real-life completed projects to share with potential clients, so we bucketed them by Industry and gave users the option to search via tagged keywords to find an example that's relevant to their search.
Portfolio Project Sample • We built out a portfolio or "blog" of past projects to showcase more in-depth progress photos and details about the project to further build credibility and show the craftsmanship behind DMG's work.
Coating Systems • After benchmarking regional and national competitors, we felt it was important to have a page summarizing the floor coatings offered by DMG, and allow users to click to learn more details.
Packages • At the end of the day, customers are always going to be price-motivated in their research, so we created a Packages page where they can get a sense of pricing by finish-level as well as the opportunity to submit a video walkthrough of their space for an even more accurate, customized quote.
Contact • For those who are ready to reach out and inquire, we provide a simple, user-friendly Contact page where customers can fill out a lead form, locate contact information or submit a video quote.

We made this a seamless transition.
Jake at DMG had previously DIY-ed a website for himself on a drag and drop platform. In an effort to seamlessly transition his visitors, we were able to re-connect his domain to the new website to minimize any downtime, and ensure his new brand presence was launched and optimized ahead of a large client meeting where he won the ability to bid for new high-ticket projects.